The Facts That You Should Know About Spirometry Treatment

We all know that chronic lung diseases can make life complicated. Fortunately, with the advancement of various technologies and the latest medical tools, people who suffer from lung diseases like asthma, cystic fibrosis and COPD can now feel relieved with the help of an incentive spirometer. It is a handy tool for detecting severe lung infections and helps patients to improve lung capacity. Many medical centers offer spirometry treatment in Toowoomba to help patients monitor and overcome these health issues.

What Do You Understand by Incentive Spirometry Treatment in Toowoomba?

Before discussing how this treatment is beneficial, you should first know what a spirometer is all about. It is the method of perfect lung testing that determines the lung capacity of the patients. Doctors make use of this treatment to diagnose asthma as well. It is also used at home for monitoring the lung performance of patients.

The patient has to put the lips closed over the mouthpiece of this spirometry. Then he has to exhale the air quickly and forcefully. An arrow indicates the score, which helps the doctor to know the lung capacity of the person.

The Process

In the case of the incentive spirometer, the doctor first set the goal score for each one of the patients. After that, the individual is not needed to exhale the air forcefully. Instead, he can breathe steadily. When the patient places the lips over the incentive spirometer and inhales the air, the piston located inside the device begins to rise, moving upwards to a line indicating numbers. At the same time, a second piston goes on the top; this means that the patient is breathing fast. If the piston goes down, it means that he is breathing too slowly. The main goal is to keep the speed of the piston in the middle of the spirometer. Once the main piston reaches the doctor’s goal score, the patient should relax and hold the breath. The idea is to bring the arrow of the spirometer up to the goal set by the doctor, hold it for 5 seconds and then slowly release it. If this practice is done for long, it will help strengthen the patient’s lung capacity.

It is crucial to know how the incentive spirometer is not a portable method. It is not a method by which the doctor cannot prescribe the medicine to the patient. However, it helps in improving the lung capacity and functioning of the patient.


Who Needs This Incentive Spirometer?

These units are designed for patients who are willing to improve their lung capacity. Patients suffering from chronic respiratory issues can use it, but incentive spirometers can work great for short-term users. For example, if an individual in a hospital with a severe respiratory infection needs to retrain his lungs, he uses a spirometer.


From Where You Can Have Your Spirometry Treatment

If you suffer from a lung disease like asthma or COPD and want to strengthen the lung capacity and functioning. You can visit Hooper Medical Centre, a trusted and experienced Medical Centre that provides spirometry treatment in Toowoomba.


Hooper Medical Centre is one of the most reputed and family-friendly run practices that serve everyone’s needs. Want to undergo Spirometry treatment? Contact us at Hooper Medical Centre today.